Sunday, June 15, 2003

The idea of Machismo has been downplayed since I can remember. The "Macho" is seen as a drunkard, womenizer, doesn't take of his family, stays out all night with his friends expecting his wife to be at home taking care of the children and keeping the house. My view of Machismo is the opposite. But as I was washing dishes the idea of "Marianismo" just hit me. If you view realtions between husband and wife in Old Mexico. The machismo is seen in almost every primative marriage or society. And still marriages work. My parents for example, my mom doesn't have many happy times to tell about during her married years to my dad back in Mexico. But if you look at the "Mexican" marriages in the U.S. Mexican women don't take shit from their husbands. The idea of "Marianismo" stayed in Mexico. In Marianismo Mexican women are expected to be pure, good wifes, basically be like servants under their husbands. Take care of the kids, clean the house, get the food, give sex when ever wanted, ect. You get the idea if u don't read about it. Once in the U.S. women are more respected by law, and protected. They can fight back and win. An interesting change if you ask me. Many things are clear to me now about this.


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