Good stuff. Apart from almost falling asleep during my anthro class, having to clean Peppers doo dooh off the porch, having to confront Devaun about his missbehavior, having to say no to some of the kids I have a special bond with, getting lip from different people, I had a pretty good day. But I forgot about all of that after I met two new boys from the community. One of the reasons why i'm working with Harambee is to do outreach. I got a chance to do that, two boys from the community asked me a question about the center. Both are seniors in high school, I got the opportunity to get o know them and talk to them find out what they do where they work where they live. I found out that I tutor one of their little brothers. So it was good. I think I need to start doing more fundraising because I'm getting busy with all the people I'm working with and I've noticed I've been short on dough.
I need to remember to go up the street and pray with a family that lost a son. The boy was burned alive inside their garage. I feel sad about it. No parent should outlived their children, they are doing a novenario this week for him. A novenario is a nine day prayer at the home of the disceased its a Catholic thing, for ya'll who don't know about Catholicism. I think this is the right explanation. I'm I right Panda?
Computer Classes are awsome.
Ana exercising her computer skills. She come from a family of 11 kids. I'v known Ana since she was 4 years old.
This girls is awsome look at her focus.
Sometime its gets too complicated and stressful to know what to do and this is an example of it. Neto was frustrated about not being able to type as good as Bryce. This is the first time Neto has gotten any formal computer training.
I need to remember to go up the street and pray with a family that lost a son. The boy was burned alive inside their garage. I feel sad about it. No parent should outlived their children, they are doing a novenario this week for him. A novenario is a nine day prayer at the home of the disceased its a Catholic thing, for ya'll who don't know about Catholicism. I think this is the right explanation. I'm I right Panda?
Computer Classes are awsome.

Ana exercising her computer skills. She come from a family of 11 kids. I'v known Ana since she was 4 years old.

This girls is awsome look at her focus.

Sometime its gets too complicated and stressful to know what to do and this is an example of it. Neto was frustrated about not being able to type as good as Bryce. This is the first time Neto has gotten any formal computer training.

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