Sunday, September 05, 2004

rE-siL-ieNt adj.

1. Marked by the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune.
2. Capable of returning to an original shape or position, as after having been compressed.

In one fo the random conversations that I have with my mother sometimes we ran across the subject that is every once in a while my sadistic brother. Sadistic because he doesn't understand what it mean to take responsiblity for his actions or that the feeling of crap that you get of havitually doing something you know will set you behind in your walk on this earth, so he has to make my mom feel sorry or bad for him and that is cruel. She, my mother, was telling me how last conversation she had with my brother he was again telling her that he felt like comitting suicide like the other many times he has made idiotic decision and has to rely on my parents to bail him out. Well he did it again. I personally don't have patience with people of that sort. Who know the outcome of their bad decisions yet regardless find themselves inclined to do it. Yes! I know patience is a virtue. But please be responsible for your self. How do you teach a person to be resilient?


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