Life is hard no doubt about it. We can serve a million people, we can continue to argue about religion for a life time, we can have all the money, be respected by many, admire by many, rund the biggest organization or company have a huge home, a good salary, but at the end non of it really matters. What matters is your relationship with God. The condition of your heart. Man I guess we never know how serious death until it strikes near you.
I was having a get together to celebrate my birthday but I called it off. A friend of mine had a sister pass away and I couldn't bare having a party while she mourns. I felt peace in my spirit about calling the event off. I'm sorry if I let anyone down.
This is my friend Esther with friends she is in the front. She is also going to college which makes it even harder to handle. Please say a prayer for her.
I was having a get together to celebrate my birthday but I called it off. A friend of mine had a sister pass away and I couldn't bare having a party while she mourns. I felt peace in my spirit about calling the event off. I'm sorry if I let anyone down.
This is my friend Esther with friends she is in the front. She is also going to college which makes it even harder to handle. Please say a prayer for her.

Yeah it was Esthers sister. She is in Texas right now.
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