Wednesday, May 22, 2002

I Never thought i would be going to Washington D.C. But once again i was proven wrong. This trip was encouraging and at the same time it was not. I almost got to go to the National Hispanic prayer breakfast and sit in with other pastors while the President gave a speech. But because of my status i wasn't able to. Which was fine because i got to hang out with four amazing guys that i admire much. Rudy Carrasco, David Benavides, Hector Morales and Domingo Mota. I have to give them props. Love you guys.
In my previous writing i wrote about my innability to conect with the leadership team at my ministry at the time. I'm passed that now.
One of my prayers had been to get in touch with some Hispanics i could relate to. So, i truly believe He had this trip in mind.
I'm was able to have fun, learn and get ministered to by these guys.
I think is funny how God has been touching me. God is alive people. Believe that. I hope that many can see it and get in His shadow.
One of the guys on the trip connected me with a lady that knows a lot about immigration. I was encouraged by talkin to her.
Over all the trip was a tremendous blessing on my life. Many things came from it. It was a good feeling to walk around D.C. and experience another city. I was encouraged a lot from being at the breakfast after the president left the hotel. There was a lot of Hispanic pastors and leaders from communities around the country.
The idea about post-modern leadership has been catching my attention. I did now know but i'm in the middle of it. And it feels good being able to minister to the street youth and be able to relate to them.

It was great calling my mom from DC. I was near the White House when the President pulled in with his caravaan of like 20 black gmc suburbans. I was like hey mom i'm at the White House. Acaba de llegar el Presidente.


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