I'm on the corner of Lake and California doing homework.
And I was thinking how often we don't give thanks for the friends we have and we over see.
Friends like Tim Grey. Hey Tim, thanks for the bread man and sorry I haven't been by your house to see you and say hi! I wanna let you know I appreciate you and I want to continue and have the brotherly relationship we've had. Or friends like Azucena. Hey Susie! Thanks for calling me and telling me what I missed in class. Hopefull we can go practice our shutter speed some time. Go 'In-n-Out. What about friends like Peydria whom is willing to listen to my nagging and faux pas whenever where ever. What about Wendy whom is willing to bend over backwards for me at any time. Rudy with our stonewalled relationship as a friends,coworkers, boss-employee, mentor, brother relationship is willing to sit and knock heads, cry together laugh together and be upset and still move forward together. God has seen the things you have done for the least of these Rudy and He will not forget it. Kafi for keeping me smelling like mango, thank you. Martha who has unconditionally loved me. What about Mel, whom can put words together like no other and can listen to me like no other eventhough we are more than 2000 miles away. What about Esther who misses me much and wishes she could hang out. What about Eliel who is willing to walk through the valley of the shadow of death at any time with me and will not leave me nor forsake me. What about Musiki with her great strive for social justice unafraid to tell me when i'm wrong and confront me until I correct myself. Ramiro whom has decided to help me walk and teach me great things and help me think things through like a father and a brother. Who will let me stel his music and will not rob me of life but help me understand it and live it fully for His glory. What about Eric who loves and wills to learn more about Hispanics and pushes to spend some time together even thoug we both live busy lives. Glenn who is not afraid to challenge my theology and tell me he loves me, hughs me, gives me a great big wet kiss when I see him and knows how to make me smile. Cheryl who breaths the life of sacrifice for many like me, thank you. Eric Lipp whom without knowing me let me into his life and his home when I was living on the edge, I think of you often bro. Sharon and Judy whom didn't let leave without getting my information that night at CrossCurrents. Anne who cries and gives thanks for me. Lynn who sees the potential and has hope for me. Phil whom over the yeasr has acted like a father towards me and pulled me out of the gutter without knowing it, thank you Phil. Robert Gordon who through his teaching taught me about social justice and helped not to fit into the mold society has put on me but to go beyond the call and duty, thanks Gordo I will always love social studies and history because you. Gordos's wife Jessica who was there for me the first time I spoke freedom into my life and for catching me and holding me when I was falling down. Sam from Broetje Orchards who taught me the beauty of words and gave me a Thesaurus for Christmas 2004 which I still use. My sister Mimi who has loved me since I was born and has shown me what it means to care. My dad who has taught me the beauty of work and has taught me to be thankful for working hands. I will never forget your wrinkled hands dad, their image will be in my heart always, for listening to me and helping me be attentive, for your tears and laugther dad, for your sense of humor. My mother whom has cared for me since before I came into this world and has shown me how to love and portrays Him more than anybody I know, for helping me be gentle. Rebe thank you for being my friend I will never forget our trip to Mexico City and all the fund memories and the realness that you are. Derek for showing me black is beautiful. My sister Nena for being crazy and enigmatic. My friend Maria who because of circumstance beyond her control struggles and doesn't give up and fights, you are an encouragement sweetheart. Diana for your humbleness, I will never forget the frist time we met you were the first one to reach your hand, and for quenching my thirst on some of those hot afternoons I think of you everytime the moon shines on my skin. My brother Luis who through caring for his family has taught me what it means to be there, i love you bro. Oscar and Fernando for helping me with work and letting me teach them. George Tate for telling me army stories. Dan for helping me change the oil in my truck. John and Anne Tipton for letting me Jayden's uncle. And Jesus who eventhough is not around me in the flesh I can say He is my friend for the life He lived and the example he set before my me. To all you whom somehow or another have loved me and continue to do so. Here is a big thank you wrapped in a hugh sealed with a kiss from this Mexican brother whom you will have as a friend an brother until my bones run dry and I'm called to live in eternity. Know i've shed a tear for each and eveyone of you because you have truly left footprints in my heart. I love you ya'll, I love you all, I love you all, I love you all.
And I was thinking how often we don't give thanks for the friends we have and we over see.
Friends like Tim Grey. Hey Tim, thanks for the bread man and sorry I haven't been by your house to see you and say hi! I wanna let you know I appreciate you and I want to continue and have the brotherly relationship we've had. Or friends like Azucena. Hey Susie! Thanks for calling me and telling me what I missed in class. Hopefull we can go practice our shutter speed some time. Go 'In-n-Out. What about friends like Peydria whom is willing to listen to my nagging and faux pas whenever where ever. What about Wendy whom is willing to bend over backwards for me at any time. Rudy with our stonewalled relationship as a friends,coworkers, boss-employee, mentor, brother relationship is willing to sit and knock heads, cry together laugh together and be upset and still move forward together. God has seen the things you have done for the least of these Rudy and He will not forget it. Kafi for keeping me smelling like mango, thank you. Martha who has unconditionally loved me. What about Mel, whom can put words together like no other and can listen to me like no other eventhough we are more than 2000 miles away. What about Esther who misses me much and wishes she could hang out. What about Eliel who is willing to walk through the valley of the shadow of death at any time with me and will not leave me nor forsake me. What about Musiki with her great strive for social justice unafraid to tell me when i'm wrong and confront me until I correct myself. Ramiro whom has decided to help me walk and teach me great things and help me think things through like a father and a brother. Who will let me stel his music and will not rob me of life but help me understand it and live it fully for His glory. What about Eric who loves and wills to learn more about Hispanics and pushes to spend some time together even thoug we both live busy lives. Glenn who is not afraid to challenge my theology and tell me he loves me, hughs me, gives me a great big wet kiss when I see him and knows how to make me smile. Cheryl who breaths the life of sacrifice for many like me, thank you. Eric Lipp whom without knowing me let me into his life and his home when I was living on the edge, I think of you often bro. Sharon and Judy whom didn't let leave without getting my information that night at CrossCurrents. Anne who cries and gives thanks for me. Lynn who sees the potential and has hope for me. Phil whom over the yeasr has acted like a father towards me and pulled me out of the gutter without knowing it, thank you Phil. Robert Gordon who through his teaching taught me about social justice and helped not to fit into the mold society has put on me but to go beyond the call and duty, thanks Gordo I will always love social studies and history because you. Gordos's wife Jessica who was there for me the first time I spoke freedom into my life and for catching me and holding me when I was falling down. Sam from Broetje Orchards who taught me the beauty of words and gave me a Thesaurus for Christmas 2004 which I still use. My sister Mimi who has loved me since I was born and has shown me what it means to care. My dad who has taught me the beauty of work and has taught me to be thankful for working hands. I will never forget your wrinkled hands dad, their image will be in my heart always, for listening to me and helping me be attentive, for your tears and laugther dad, for your sense of humor. My mother whom has cared for me since before I came into this world and has shown me how to love and portrays Him more than anybody I know, for helping me be gentle. Rebe thank you for being my friend I will never forget our trip to Mexico City and all the fund memories and the realness that you are. Derek for showing me black is beautiful. My sister Nena for being crazy and enigmatic. My friend Maria who because of circumstance beyond her control struggles and doesn't give up and fights, you are an encouragement sweetheart. Diana for your humbleness, I will never forget the frist time we met you were the first one to reach your hand, and for quenching my thirst on some of those hot afternoons I think of you everytime the moon shines on my skin. My brother Luis who through caring for his family has taught me what it means to be there, i love you bro. Oscar and Fernando for helping me with work and letting me teach them. George Tate for telling me army stories. Dan for helping me change the oil in my truck. John and Anne Tipton for letting me Jayden's uncle. And Jesus who eventhough is not around me in the flesh I can say He is my friend for the life He lived and the example he set before my me. To all you whom somehow or another have loved me and continue to do so. Here is a big thank you wrapped in a hugh sealed with a kiss from this Mexican brother whom you will have as a friend an brother until my bones run dry and I'm called to live in eternity. Know i've shed a tear for each and eveyone of you because you have truly left footprints in my heart. I love you ya'll, I love you all, I love you all, I love you all.

Thanks for considering me a friend!
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