Sunday, November 14, 2004

Whats the big deal? I think I'm going through a writters block. But i'm not really a writter so what is it that i'm going through I don't know. Anyway, I'm at home doing homework. We are having a going away dinner tonight for Peydria. She is moving to the east coast :(. I'm happy for her though. She is thrilled about making the move. Later on I'm meeting my old pastor and her daugther for coffee at 7:30pm. I haven't seen her in over a year. Last time I saw her I was over at her house for breakfast up in Washington. Lynn Jones is her name and she is awesome.
I went and picked up the pictures from disneyland today. They came out great. Well, most of them that is. I'm gonne do like a thank you letter for D's mom and put a picture in the middle and have the kids write thank you's around it. It will be a nice surprise. I also have some cool black and white 8x10 that i'm proud of. I'm so excited about learning all this black and white photo stuff. I think I discovered another one of my gifts.


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