'Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar", is an old Spanish saying. And today mi y three of mis vatos like wild chiapas insurgents took to the mountains. But not before having a two for two at Macdanos. It was good time spent with my guys. It was kind of a downer that only two from my bible study got to go. While we were at Mcd's we ran into Jay, one of the boys who lives down the street from me. I asked him if he wanted to come, and my guys were encouraging him but he was busy doing something with his ma'. So it was just the four of us desperados for the hike.
Rigo, Chris and Chubila
You gotta jump!!
We want to try and stay out of the water Rigo.
Chubila waiting patiently for the rest of the troop..
Hurry Rigo and quit playing around...
Careful not to tip over guys, you might end up in the water.
Pepper had a good time running wild and jumping from rock to rock.
The water fall not too far up ahead.
I'm thankful for the young man that was out there, and was willing to take a photo of us.
Rigo, after a long walk was pretty much all tired out.
Lluvia this one is for you. It was your signature on it.
Rigo, Chris and Chubila

You gotta jump!!

We want to try and stay out of the water Rigo.

Chubila waiting patiently for the rest of the troop..

Hurry Rigo and quit playing around...

Careful not to tip over guys, you might end up in the water.

Pepper had a good time running wild and jumping from rock to rock.

The water fall not too far up ahead.

I'm thankful for the young man that was out there, and was willing to take a photo of us.

Rigo, after a long walk was pretty much all tired out.

Lluvia this one is for you. It was your signature on it.

".......Caminante no hay camino........."
Ese no es un dicho mexicano, mi estimado.
Yo soy mexica, pero me da pena decirte que te has equivocado.
cool photos. I think me and beckers sat on that same branch in the first picture. I'm almost sure of it!
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