Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Good Morning Gente! Yesterday was the first day for Carlos suspension from school. He came over early in the morning to hang out, i live in the same barrio as where my ministry is. Quick access. I asked him about his homework and he is like i don't got any Sergio. To my benefit i'm in with the school he goes to. So, i called and they tell me he gots lots of homework. I had to get on him. He has not come around today. He knows i'm gone make him work. So, now i have to track him down. And get him to do his work. Or get with his brothers to get him doing his work.
I went up to the Harambee center yesterday. It was my friend Rob, Carlos and I. We had an awsome time playing soccer with everyone up there. Man this week is so loaded. I got so much things to do. Study for my college courses, prepare to speak at our monthly youth fellowship, prepare for this class i'm teaching on servant leadership for saturday, prepare for the wednesday bible study, and hang out with my deciples. Its a lot of work for one Urban Mexican youth worker. Somebody told me that when you get married your ministry gets easier. I hope man. I guess it depends if you marry the right girl. Right.
Well, i gotta run and meet this lady for lunch. Talk to you'll later.(sergio@qvo.cc)


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