Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A few minutes ago I got back from one of the lamest job interviews ever. The person giving me the interview kept on reating themselves over and over. At a point i thought to myself do i really want to work here? The interviewer kept on saying things like why do you want to work here when you have such great work experience. At one point I was asked so how long do you plan on staying with us? Now I could of lied and said I plan on being with you guys all my life and my biggest dream is to own stock with your company but since i'm so sincere, I had to say I only planned on being here until mid june or so. They told me they don't know but they would call me.

yesterday I went to see Chavela, the daughter of one of the families I have built relationships with here in my community. She received student of the month at her school. It was nice to be there as she got her award. Children need to be supported and praised when they achieve in their lives. Adults too.
Here are some pictures:

This is Chavela with her schools principle right after she was awarded. The principle invited me to come back and volunteer with them in the classroom.

Chavela and a proud mom. Afterwards I took the mom and anther friend of hers to eat breakfast at Coco's here in Pasadena. Talked about their plans and what they want to see their kids accomplish in life. And their own ambitions as moms. It was good. We got the $3.99 breaksfast special.

Before the cermony started I went and visited another one of the young ones from the same family. Well, I went to visit her classroom. All the children thought they had a subsitude that day. Until their teacher showed up then I had to stop pretending. I got her one of her favorite drinks at starbucks. An brambleberry iced tea. Thanks for the gift card Johnnie boy.

This has nothing to do with my visit to the school but its from monday nights dinner group. The people pictured are from my church family.

And I'm out.


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