Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Orale que pasa? I'm at school at the moment. Finishing a rough draft para my term paper. We been taking midterms here at Pasadena City College. I'm happy mine are over with. I'be been busy the last week going over notes and making sure I knew everything for the midterm. I did good.
Last Saturday I hung out with one of my deciples. Carlos Cruz. Ninth grader. He is a cool kid, and love him like my little bro.
He wanted me to take him to go see "Knock Around Guys." With a wide cast. Including Vin Diesiel and Seth Green.
The movie is a story about a young guy and his friends. It's another story about the mafia. It was interesting to Carlos and I.
We started conversating after the movie about what it would be like to be in the mafia. It was fun listening to Carlos talk about how he would be like and what kind of guys would be in his entourage. To me the movie took me back in time.
WHEN I TURNED 16 one of my brothers gave me a AK-47 assault riffle for my birthday and a gold necklace with an ak-47 emblem(sp?) haning from it. And a big gold ring. This was when I was 16. I didn't realize that I was been in a way trained for something.
At 17 was when I started doing runs. Runs are when you deliver and collect for a dealer. I remeber one time I got asked to go check on a lady who was a distributor for someone on my brothers crew. Like everytime i did a run. I had my entourage. No more then two guys. We got to the place. It was a trailer in Benton City. We got there and came in I started talking to the lady. Whom was in her 30's and pregnant. She was acting crazy talking about her boyfriend stold the stuff(drugs). So, I got her to tell me what had happen. She just said that the boyfriend got it and took off with his uncle. A couple minutes later we see a car pull up. My guy gets post it behind the door and pulls out a .45 caliber had gun. I got to admit I was scared. The boyfriend walks in and starts talking smack(insulting) to me. Right away my guy puts the gun to his head from behind the door. The boyfriend gets scared and pulls out the stuff from inside his jacket and throws it on the coffee table. So, we get him to sit and tell us what was going on.
He told me he was just trying to stop her from smoking it up because she was pregnant with his child. So, I started asking her is she was smoking the drugs. She told me that it was just a little. I have my standards. So, i took the stuff from her.
My brother's partner wasn't too happy I did that. I never heard about her or her boyfriend again.
This is one of the stories from my youth. God has sure been looking out for me.


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