Friday, March 04, 2005

At around 6pm last wednesday. One of my best friends and I drove from Pasadena to downtown LA, skid row area. The drive was crappy because of the congested LA traffic but the rain made it even worse. Regardless of all that we had a good drive and were able to get to the corner of 6th and San Pedro, our destination. The reason for us going there was for karaoke. A bunch of awesome people there host a wednesday night karaoke with the homeless of the skid row area. My reason for being down there was a photography assignment for PRISM magazine. What I got out of it was more than great pictures. As me in my friend awaited the stars of the night we waited anticipating poeple asking us for change or even the possiblity of getting some of our belongings stolen. But that wasn't the case. We waited for about 30 minutes watching the volunteers helpers put out candy and brewing coffee, before the doors were open. It was a great experience for me. I remembered my week with YWAM in the tenderloin are of San Francisco and some of the scary experiences I had there and wednesday night brought some flashbacks. But I'm greatful for being there and not only getting some great shots and hearing some pretty awesome people sing. I felt blessed that some of the people even went and changed to sing their song. A lady at one point came up to me and told me thank you for taking her picture. "I really like your style the way you take photos", her and her son Justin who came up to me while the poeple were coming into the facility live on the streets and shelters of the skid row area.

Here are some of the starts of the night:

Best star of the night. Did a full interpretation of James Brown's 'I Feel Good'

Pastor Tony and his wife lead the karaoke.

The woman who came up to me and thanked me.

This girl is one of the memeber of the church that meet in the building on sundays. Awesome singer.

Kevin from Texas has been out here for 8 months.

The black boy in the picture is Justin, the other boy is Aaron another boy from the row.

Awesome voice.

Had some great duets.

Greates facial expressions.

People from all walks of life.

We ended the night dancing together.

I'm going back there in a few weeks and taking the boys in my bible study to serve food.


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