Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Keeping a dating relationship is not easy. Not too long ago I ended a 14 month relationship with a lady I was dating. As painful as it was for the both of us but more for her. Which I feel bad about. Eventhough it was hurtful to part, it was the best decision we could make. You are problably wondering why this happen. Well, let me tell you a bit. Its always nice to have someone to hold you and take care of you make you feel everything is going to alright. Well, we both found that in each other. And as we grew closer together so did our desires to be with one another. And at the same time we discovered a lot of faults we both had that didn't help our relationship grow closer to God. All a matter of the heart. I didn't really like the friends that she had and was hard on her about it. A lot of times my Messicanes got in the way and I tried to be controlling over her which is not a good thing in a relationship. It was to the point where It made me upset even if she was hanging out with a Christian crowd. I was jelous and I was getting in her way of growing in relationship with other Christian people and I was in the way of her growing closer to God on her own. She was a little possessive of me. When we first began our relationship we were at different spiritual levels and I didn't see that until after. Or I chose not to see that I should say.
One of the major reasons for our breakup was the physical aspect. It was very difficult to keep our hands off each other. I know this might be taboo for some of you. But its the truth. And sometimes people cover it. Not too long ago we met to talk and that was confirmed. We both agreed on not seeing each other. We wanna give God enough space to work in our lives.
One of the things, if you read this, I want prayer for is that she told me that God had confirmed with her that I was the one she was to married. Its hard for me to accept that. Because who is to say that. So, if you read this feel free to pray for me and send me any advice you might have.


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