Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Inlfultrating Starbucks

Today was a good day for me. I was able to get enough sleep, had breakfast with my wife before she went to work and got an interview with Starbucks people. The interview went rather well. One of their stores manager and a district manager interviewed me, both hard working moms. They asked me about 10 questions which were relatively easy to answer. Towards the end they asked if I would be interested in managing or if I would rather stay as a barista. I told them about my wife and I's dream about owning and managing our own esspresso and tamale shop and my desire to learn management. They were excited to hear that. After the interview was over and I shared my dreams and goals, my interest in forming a foundation to teach reading comprehension to children, both were very excited. They asked why I was interested in working at Starbucks. One of the answers I gave was how I like going there getting an iced coffee and reading. I think it helped that I brought a book with me and they saw me reading before the interview. As we said our good byes, one of them said, "Oh! look he has a book, thats so cute." I wished them good luck with the rest of their interview and went on my way. I pray they call by Friday. That how I'll know if i'm hired or not.


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