Monday, February 09, 2004

Life continues and some of us stay behind. Or stuck in a moment you might say. I been on this emotional rollercoaster these past weeks. Trying to make since of it all.

A friend of mine asked me why I thought there was a force making me believe the outcome of my life depended on something else or other people. Its hard to answer that question because I don't know the answer. Maybe sometime I stopped having faith and it all went down hill from there. I know God is soveirgn and He has a plan for me. I know that His plan for me is good and its going to bring me closer to being more in the likeness of Him. But for me its painful. At least right now.
Problems hitting left and right. But in the midst of all that I'm holding on.

Its hard to realize the reality of how ugly we are when we are compared to Christ being. And Gods biggest most important command is to love each other, to see past the ugliness.


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