Monday, February 09, 2004

Just got back from the center. It was a bit crazy today doing homework with the kids. At first almost everyone said they didn't have many so I told them they had to read the bible. Then, everyone remembered they had something else to do.
I spent most of the time today trying to get them to focus. But not one single child was able to do so. All the kids were hyped up about ballet. So, we tried to do homework for like 30 minutes then they went to ballet.
I got a chance to hang out with two girls. One of the two was saying that she thinks her granpa is going to die. And the other one upon hearing her mate, shared that her grandpa had passed away. I told them both that my grandpa died and that the last time I saw him was when I was 8yrs old. Then I talked to them about our gain as believers over non-believers in Christ. We have the promise that after death we gain life in Christ. It was good. Then they helped me vacuum the room.


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