Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Me and Fernando just got done doing his math tutorial down at Starbucks. Now we are heading home so he can get some rest and I can as well. I got to see Terry the pastor of the junction down here its good to run into people you know who are doing Gods work. He is always happy to see me and its all good for me. I don't know there are people I try to go around when I come across, they give me a feeling of not wanting to talk to me. I don't know where that feeling comes from. Maybe I should get on my knees and pray about it. I'm really interested in spritialism. And dealing with spirits. I know i'm developing my discernment but i'm not all the way there where I need to be. Well thats all for now I'll check in with ya'll playas later.

Fernando says: "I learned new math problems and some of the were too easy for me" and he also says, "I dranked some good hot chocolate thanks to Serg."

I say I want a sony ciber shot digital camara the 5.1 megapixels one so I can take pics during these times and give ya'll a visual of whats going on here. Wouldn't that be great. So, I'm saving my pennies to buy one. They are $499.00, true pricy but the quality of pictures you can take is amazing. Well, i'm out. That was my letter to Santa.


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