Wednesday, November 24, 2004

"The work of God is to believe the one He has sent" JC. A lot of times we lose ourselves in interpreting the word of God. I really don't think its all that much about interpreting it. But reading it for what it is, a book. And learning from it and from the teachings. I remember going to CBS with Intervarsity and studying the scritpure word by word. The joy of reading the scripture. It was good times. Word to Scott from Cal State LA. He leads intervarsity there. My time at Catalina was one of the most profound experiences receiving deliverance from God. It was good. I remember our morning prayer by the fire pit next to the clashing waves. Claiming victory in Jesus. Praying with my team out on the pier and everyone crying out to God to deliver them from their fears and holding each other up as we continued to pray. It was a strong experience from me. Meeting everyone from Compton that was on my team. I hope everyone is doing well.

Well, now I gotta go get ready for school. My stats proffesor canceled our class this morning so I only have my photo at 12:20 to 4pm since i'm staying to work in the lab. Exciting thing about it is tha i'm taking two of the youth i'm mentoring. They want to sit in my class and hang out with me at school. So, I talked to my professor Mimms. He was a cool cat about allowing me to bring them. I want them to get what if feels to sit in a college class and start to get them excited about going to college. One of the things which I think they will be excited about is doing the enlargements and walking them through the process in the darkroom. Its going to rock. Okay well i'm out I hope everyone is doing well and is keeping up. Remember the natives these thanksgiving holyday and how they were robbed of their land. Sorry, but I don't do well about thanksgiving and how pilgrims took this land.

•Save a turkey, eat tamales•


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