Friday, November 26, 2004

Jesus Calms The Storm

Well I feel a heck of a lot better. Over the past days I felt very convicted. I was dealing with stuff weighing down on my heart and I just couldn't take it anymore. God gave me the strenght and ability to be able to talk to Rudy about it and I feel a lot better. Almost like a new person.

What was Jesus trying to teach the deciples when they were crossing to the other side of the lake? JC already knew what was going to happen. After the water started breaking and the wind began picking up. All the deciples started freaking out getting scared their boat might tip over and they might die. But why were these experienced fishermen scared? Jesus wasn't trippin' out, He was in the back of the boat sleeping on a cushion. One of them screamed out to Him, JC woke up and rebuked the storm making die down. After the storm, Jesus asked them why they were being scared. He asked 'Do you still have faith in me?'

God is always aware of our situation (Mathew 10:29). Even thought the storm was strong and fierece it didn't wake Him up. But the calling of the deciples did. God will answer our call for help. And a lot of times He will let us reach the point where we can't take it no more. And He will never leave us in the midst of our storms (Philippians 1:6). I'm thankful for that.


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