Tuesday, March 29, 2005

From Latina Magazine :You know you are a Latino Jew if...

1. You had a piƱata at your bar mitzvah.
2. Your abuela serves matzo balls con chiptle at Passover.
3 Your television superhero is Juan Epstein from Welcome Black, Kotter.
4. Your family's ancestry is polaco, but you grew up in Polanco.
5. Mom always made you turkey jamon sandwiches for school...with a kosher pickle.
6. you're the best salsero at your synagogue.
7. your sister refers to her bat mitzvah as her treceaƱera.
8. During the holyday season, you wish your homies a "Feliz Chanukah."
9. Ain't nobody name Jesus in your family, but there are plenty of Moiseses and Josues.
10. Jumex isn't just a brand of Mexican juices; its a way of life.


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