I had a rough day yesterday. My mom called early in the morning to ask me to pray for them. I guess they found my brother who has reuhmatic(spll?) arthritis crying and yelling at God to please end his misery. She was saying that her and my dad and my sister-in-law were talking to him and he was telling them that he is in pain all the time and can't take the suffering anymore. He was telling them that he would rather have God take him then to have everyone suffer with him. That was the start of my day. Then later on in the early evening I call my mom just to check what was up. Because my friend Lynn went over to pray with all them and share some scripture.
And my mom tells me that she had a nasty fall and she hurt her arm, leg and one of her hips. And that my dad came over to the kitchen as she was trying to get up and was telling her no to be stupid that she should be careful with herself, that she could die from a fall like that. All of this while my mom is trying to get up. Makes me mad.
Then today in History class, we were going over the whole reconstruction era and talking about european immigrants, well, my teacher was. I had a laptop computer that Glenn gave me. I as using it to type my notes. Well, my teacher is talking about how early settlers had to borrow money on credit to be able to produce crops and all that. Then she makes this comment and says thats the reason why today your parents are able to get you a computer to use in college. By getting it on credit. What the hell is that suppose to mean? Can you imagine how that made me feel.
Thats one of the reasons why I hate how white christians talk about immigrants are hurting the economy by sending their earnings back to Mexico. That is plain white ignorance. And I'm sorry if any white christian friends of mine get offened. but most whites don't get it.
I was driving to Jubilee while last time i was in Washington with a white college graduate white friend. And as we drove through the orchard we passed several workers working on the apple trees. And my friends response to that was "man sergio! how can people not want to work out in the open? It is so nice to be in the open air, to be one with nature." Yeah! it is nice to work out in the open with no retirement funds, no medical benefits or any other benefits. But white americans don't see that. They don't get it. What about the suffering that my people went through. White Americans say they took the land from the Native Indians because they didn't know about land rights. What about Mexican land? We knew what it meant to own land. Whats the explanation for that.
Thats why oppose to Mexicans fighting in the united states armed forces. They fighting a war for whites. Who are getting richer and richer by exploiting immigrants while we remain in the same cycle that keeps on going around and around.