Sunday, October 31, 2004

Now, i'm somewhere in Granada Hills. Not too far from Ramiro and joys apartment where i'm house sitting. I came to a starbucks just to get out of the house.
Man! about last night at the forever cemetery. I like the even except for a few things. I understand is close to holloween. But Dia De Los Muertos is different for us Mexicans. I didn't appreciate all the non Latino people that were there dressed up in costumes. I saw many dressed as Roman soldiers and fairys. To me it was insutling and felt like giving a lecture obout Dia De Los Muertos. Primero nos quitaron nuestra tierra ahora quieren penetrar nuestra culture, que chingaders son esas? Bueno, let me get back to el english. Another thing that bothered me was an obnoxious (spll?) white guy selling t-shirts. He was screaming at the people as they went by mind you they were about 2 feet away from him. Idiota! My friend told him off because he totally screamed in her ear. Estos gabachos nunca van agarrar la onda. Bueno yo creo que I should get to my studying. I'll check ya'll out later.
Long day today. Spent sometime downtown with a friend before going to Eastlos to get some gorditas at El Mercadito and pick up a couple rosaries. Fun times. In the evening I went to Forever Cemetery in Hollywood. They had a Dia De Los Muertos celebration. It was cool but i'm too tired to write about it. So i'm out.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I took the Myers-Briggs-Jung Test and I found out that i've become more introverted than extroverted. Cool. I'm a ISFJ

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test
Got back home not too long ago. We had FLIP (Family Life Investment Partners) at the center for the parents. It was good although they counselor that comes in doesn't really let the staff people talk. But Its good being there. Watching the parents struggle as we go throught the training. Now, I'm home resting for a few more minutes before I finish my homework for tomorrows class. So much to do so little time.

I was talking to someone and somehow we to talking about doggies and I was reminded of Sailormoon. Man I miss her. I wish I could get her back but who knows where she is now. This is her.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

One of my favorite artists. Steve Morrissey.
Ram was asking me for a picture of este vato. This is what I had. Not the best shot but hey it will do.
I just read something that left me in confusion and hurt. And I wonder why set ourselves up. There is a million feelings I wish I could share in this blog but I can see how many people might get offended or think of it as weird so i'm gonne refrain myself from doing that.
Why did I end up in this country and why i'm I far from my family at times I ponder if the past three years I have been in California on my own time and not Gods. Don't know.
Someone was talking about a slave mentality and I was wondering what they were trying to say. The reality of my life is living as an undocumented student going to school so I can prove to some corporate head I can learn and get a job done. Is that the reality of the reason for going to school Ah this sucks. I hate it but regardless I'll finish it if i don't then i'lll just deem myself a loser. And so be it. Back to the old school for Sergio.
People are just looking out for themselves, and it sucks. But then again some of my own friends think we should stay in Mexcio and not come over here. Why? why? just a bunch of questions. thats all and a buch of mix feelings.
Time for me to go to class. I'm out.
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

line up of songs:
1. Vertigo (single)
2. Crumbs From The Table
3. Sometimes You Can't Make It Your Own
4. City Of Blinding Lights
5. All Because Of You
6. Love And Peace
7. Man And a Woman
8. Miracle Drug
9. One Step Closer To Knowing
10. Original Of The Species
11. Yaweh
Estoy en un cafe que se encuentra a un lado de mi universidad. Esperando ah que llege la hora para estatisticas. No me gusta much que digamos pero es necesaria para mi bachillerato.
No tengo muchos planes ahora nada mas asistir a clase presentarme en el trabajo y despues ir a San Fernando. Y tratar de terminar la tarea para la clase de filosofia. Es todo niñitos.

Hector, esa chava no es mi novia. Es una amiga de Washington que es maestra y nos conocimos despues que sali la prepa. Ella es maestra y es muy buena onda.
Ahorita estamos solteritos. Sin nadie quien nos quiera. Hay que tener pasciencia y tener fé que algun dia llegara. Y si no llega ni pedo compa. Nos vamos de monjes. No! espera. Yo no creo que podria irme de monje. Bueno ya estubo de jaladas. al rato nos miramos.

Its too late to be blogging but regardless I'm here doing it and waiting to get sleepy. I don't know why my brain doesn't feel sleepy yet knowing I have to get up at 6am tomorrow morning. Man I hate the wetness of the rain. I love the coolness, the way the water splashes as I drive throught puddles and even seeing the small currents running down street curves, I love the sound of water drips outside my windows as I laof on my extra large bed with soft sheets.
I think the government should make a rule that everyone sleeps in on rainy days. Yes, that would be nice.
I will be gone this coming weekend, which I'm looking forward to. So, if you need any thing from me. Make your request known before friday. Well, I'm out. Peace In.

Monday, October 25, 2004

An encounter with Concha

All the Memories I Never Had

Karen Dennis

The Hawk Union Building is bubbling with young enthusiasm. Students are gathered in tight clusters in every corner of the cafeteria, hovering over cardboard platters like flies, bobbing heads up and down in conversation, and spewing forth one thousand words per second.
“Everyone wants to go to Los Angeles,” Sergio begins, unloading his grocery bag across the narrow table from me.
Mi companero is aware that I am salivating at the mouth to devour the food that is emanating those luscious, spicy smells from the bag. It think that is why he is taking his time.
“Tengo hambre”, I complain, hugging my stomach. I have been waiting all afternoon.
“Just a minute,” he counters, “I still have to warm them up.”
I’m staring at his shirt. The plain whiteness of it is astounding next to his creamy cinnamon skin. From his shoulders begin two strips of solid white embroidery, melting flowers. They tumble down, down over his torso, into the symmetrical pockets at his hips and right to the end of his garment. It’s straight and boxy. It fits his frame perfectly.
He sees me staring. “You like it?” He inquires.
“Yeah I do. Where did you get it?”
“Marlen got it for me at a thrift store.”
Marlen, his most recent ex-girlfriend in a long string of beautiful, dark-haired girls, comes up in about very conversation these days.
The shirt reminds me of the thick, dazzling frocks that Charros wear on fiesta days, riding into the rodeo arena on their stocky stallions, elegant and dashing. Albeit, Charros are more colorful. But still, Sergio used to be a Charro. I’m sure that when the world does not demand so much American acquiescence, he still is.
“Los Angeles is like America to Mexicans,” he continues, “You never hear about Washington or Oregon or anything. It’s all about ‘Vamos al Norte! A Los Angeles!’ down there.”
He produces two cheap, thin plates. One is heaped with invisible tortillas, covered with a tinfoil. The other is blank-faced, expectant.
His meaty hands reach in, causing a conniption of plastic crinkles, to pull out a tiny Tupperware container of sour crème, and an old baby jar of reddish-green salsa.
“It’s dollars, man.”
“Really,” I respond.
“Oh yeah, it’s jobs, and money, and better houses.”
“You were poor in Mexico,” I wonder.
“Well, sure,” he goes on, “We were poor, but we were happy.”
He uncovers the tortillas, and the smells of chilli and chicken attack the tasteless all-too-American air.
“My mom made these at home,” he tells me, breathing deeply the prickly aromas.
And I can smell it too. I see freshly chopped onions and peppers lying raw in his mother’s Mexican kitchen. I hear the fry pan popping with hot sauce. And now, at last, the great explosion of cold flour covered panitas bursts into my ears as they hit the heat, rolling around, flipping and frying to perfection.
A silent moment passes as he smothers the tortillas in sour crème. My belly protests at the delay.
“Donde estan las mias?” I ask.
“Comida? Para ti?” He jokes.
“Por favor…” I put on my pathetic look.
“Ay, muchacha, cierto. Que impaciante.” He chuckles.
Chuckles. That would be a good nickname for him. However, everyone that knows him calls him Checko. Close enough.
He unloads two or three onto the spare plate.
“I’ll tell you what I heard most about America,” he picks up. “The life, man! White girls! Everyone has a car and all the white chicks love him. It’s true.”
I raise my eyebrows.
“Really, it’s true. Ever since I moved here…”
“No, really…”
“Yeah right Concha, like you would know!”
Laughing, he picks up both plates to go warm them and pick up knives and forks for the two of us.
I don’t remember when exactly he started calling me Concha. It’s short for Constancia, which is my name in Spanish class. Constancia means faithful and true. Concha, on the other hand, is a tortoise shell.
I follow Sergio with my eyes as he navigates the tables like a pro, a second year student. Another young Chicano is eating near the condiment island. Sergio approaches him. Slapping hands pinch my ears. Sometimes it seems to me that he knows every Mexican student on campus. His spirit simply draws people to him. Carismatico- that’s what he is.
From my table I am straining to make out their voices.
“Que pasa, hombre?”
“No mas. Comiendo. Como ‘tas?”
“Bien, bien. Sabes que…”
And on and on, just like any other students would greet each other. However, somehow it is different. To me it is beautiful.
They converse on a higher level now, rapidly and with ease, while their voices mix and intertwine with the undertones of the surrounding students. I am able to catch bits, a verb tense or a few nouns. Even so, as soon as I begin to understand the direction they are going it changes and I am lost, batting my brain back and forth, wanting to know, wanting to take part.
His friend looks over at me for a split second. I turn away, not wanting him to see my rapt interest. I don’t know what he may think of me. When I attempt to glace back again, I barely catch the uncertain look that flashes across his face. He returns to the conversation and royally avoids any further eye contact with me.
Once again, I am confronted with the horrid feeling of being the attachment that no one wants to open. I don’t want to feel like that, but I know people we meet, other Mexican’s like himself, find me a mystery. Will I understand if they talk to me? They wonder what stereotypes I believe about them. Why am I hanging around Sergio? I can see it in their eyes, the uncomfortable uncertainty of not knowing what I am thinking, not being able to read me. They have no idea how preoccupied I am of what they think of me.
Forced to walk the middle line between tradition and a changing world, Sergio is one of those people I can enjoy my cultural development with while still being able to fall back on learned ways if I need to. I see him holding tight to his family, his language and customs while doing what he can to better himself in a culture-robbed conformist society. More amazing still, there is an entire generation of such people facing challenges I can only imagine.
I turn away from listening, feeling heavy with despair at not being able to follow. ‘Behold’, I think, ‘The great masses of Columbia Basin Community College.’ The alumni move, eat and breathe in droves. But drones are what they are, all of them.
I am slightly annoyed at the monotony. Empty eyes, empty conversations. However, here I am among them, a silent observer, locked in a box of frustration.
Sergio returns, sitting down lightly in his chair. He hands me my utensils and slides my hot plate in front of me.
“Vamos orar,” he says quietly, bowing his head.
We mutually thank God for our food. The food didn’t stand a chance. They are nothing but dust in a few minutes.
“So tell me about your life in Mexico,” I demand. I am sure I sound demanding.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Something interesting for my essay.”
He’s cleaning off the last of the salsa from his plate with a piece of tortilla. Chewing and savoring, I see him mentally paging through his numerous memories that he so often refers to. His eyes become distant for a moment as he reaches out to grasp one. It must be nice to be able to relive them, to return to a world that today’s harsh reality does not spoil.
I remember once I heard him say, speaking in that low, serious voice of his, “If I ever get married, the girl, you know, she would have to understand what Mexico is in my heart.”
He has been silent for nearly a minute now. That’s okay. In the wake of his unfolding, I don’t feel the need to fill the space between us with words.
“Well,” he pauses to swallow. “You know, people were so much happier there. Everyone just did what they had to do and didn’t complain. When we were kids, my parents didn’t worry about us. We just played most of the day.”
Does he hear his strong accent emerging?
“My mom and dad worked really hard to get us over here. They wanted me to grow up with opportunity. They had to borrow from a lot of people.”
“What about English?”
“What about it?”
“How did you communicate without it?” I wonder.
“I went to school, you know. I eventually learned. A lot of kids were Mexican-American, but they were pretty awkward with me.”
“Were you ashamed?”
“Because you couldn’t speak properly?”
“No, not ashamed,” he shakes his head loosely. “Never ashamed.”
‘Should I have been? Why did you ask that?’ he’s probably thinking. I wonder what it is exactly I was trying to say. ‘Properly’ referring to what? Is it really anyone’s right to say one language is more proper than another? I’m sorry I mentioned it.
“I remember right after we made to Los Angeles,” he begins again, “I was so excited. I was standing on this road, and it was PAVED! There wasn’t dust flying around everywhere. And I had on SHOES! They were these Batman shoes. I was like, ‘Whoa! I’m in America!”
He’s shining now and I can’t help but smile at his radiant face.
“You know it was my Uncle Chuy that got us here.”
“Yes I remember,” but I don’t mind being told again.
“He sent us a ton of money for traveling and things. He was this huge drug dealer in California.”
I’m stuffed. My mouth is still twitching form the salsa. Salsa. Sergio dances to salsa music.
“The Mexican’s were really different…so American. I mean, I consider myself to be more Chicano now. You know, like a Hispanic-American (finger quotes for emphasis and a big smile), but I was still pretty Mexican back then. We were at this transition school when I first arrived. That was before we got a real building. So, we didn’t have a cafeteria. They gave us bag lunches every day.” His twists his face into an image of disgust, “like peanut butter and jelly, dude!”
“You’d never have that before?” I inquire, trying to imagine my young life without it.
“No way! I was like, ‘Donde estan los frijoles?”
How funny.
“Hey want to hear a joke?”
“Why can’t Mexican’s barbeque?”
“Because the beans fall through the grill!”
Oh, groan. I give him a pity laugh, but inside I am lighting up. When I asked him to share his thoughts about Mexico and being Mexican for a creative essay, I don’t know what I was expecting. Sitting here listening to him talk about his life was such a privilege, I would laugh at any lame joke he produced.
“What about where you lived in Mexico?”
“What about it?”
He does not respond to vague questions.
“Where did you like to do?”
“Oh well…” he pauses. “I remember there was this beach we used to love to go to. It was right at the end of this road junction thing. Here, let me show you.”
‘Sure, let’s go right now. I’m down for a road trip’, I think, laughing to myself. He begins to draw on a nearby napkin.
“The dock…right here…it was full of, like, shops and casinos and stuff. But the beach was awesome. The sun didn’t set until, like, nine-o-clock. My brothers and I would get out there and just sit. The hills were on both sides of the beach, like this. You could go up to the top and you could see all the way down to the bottom of the gulf, and all the people and stuff. We were right here,” he emphatically dots the napkin on the far left side of the beach. “We always sat right here.”
In my mind I am following him, a dark haired boy, peeking into casinos, roaming endless hills, and splashing brown toes in clear gulf water. I can almost picture him and his brothers lounging lazily, nearly naked bodies, half-deep in squishy sand, soaking the soft rays unto their wet, warm skin.
Silence reigns. I don’t dare disrupt him.
“Anyway,” he begins again, raking his fingers through his short waves, “So my dad started his own business where we first moved here. He made metal fences for cattle corrals and stuff. He welded. And my mom, she worked a lot of odd jobs...washing clothes, cooking…”
“Yes, she is a good cook,” I interrupt. I hate when I do that.
“Dude,” he continues, unfazed by my rudeness. “My brother would get out in front of our house and tie these chairs together. We had this old table too, and he would set that up. Men would come by and she would dish up food for them. She sold them lunch out there.”
“Every day?”
“Yeah, they were pickers. They picked mostly every day.”
Every day. How amazing. Even mailmen get Sunday’s and holidays off.
But I can understand why the men kept returning to his mom’s house. I am already looking forward to next Thursday when we dine again. I wonder if he will bring my favorite, corn tamales with shredded beef.
“I worked in an orchard once too, when I was sixteen. We were out there digging up holes and putting down sprinklers.”
“How long did you do it?”
“Just for the summer, but it was the hardest work I ever did. I was sweaty and tired all the time. I would come home and fall into bed just to wake up and go to work again.”
“No kidding…”
And where was I? If I do the math correctly, it was probably the year I started my cush job at Arnold’s Bakery. I was fifteen. I needed the money. Back then, running a register, stocking bread and managing the floor of a twenty by twenty bread store seemed like the hardest and most challenging job one could ever ask a teenager to do.
“Yeah, I wasn’t meant to be a picker. I had better dreams.”
“Like what?”
“Like not being a picker.”
Chuckle, chuckle.
“That summer I felt like my dad, working so much.”
“Tell me about him…” I prod.
“Well, I told you he had his own business, right.” Pause. “He would come home at night and his eyes would be burning real bad from this torch he had to use all day. So, my mom would rub this oil on them. Most nights he would just lay there for hours, just like this.”
He throws his arms out to both sides and sags in his chair. His eyes are closed as if dreaming. He springs to life again.
“For hours, dude.”
My face must give me away, because he nods as if to verify the truth.
“He was just about blind.”
“That’s awful.”
“Well, like I said, we had problems, but we were happy.”
He has really come back to life now.
“But I wasn’t kidding about the girls, you know? They really loved me.”
“I roll my eyes.”
“It’s true, Concha.”
The cafeteria is almost empty now. The clock strikes one.
Sergio packs away the tiny containers. I watch as he scrapes the leftovers, what little there is, into a piece of tinfoil to save. The plates are neatly stacked back into the grocery bag.
Tying the handles of the bag together, he turns to me, “So what are you going to write your essay on?”
“I don’t know.”
“I could try to get a hold of papers I did for English class. I said a whole lot more stuff in those. You remember?”
“Yes, of course.” I edited every single one of them.
“Oh, hold on, the teacher hasn’t handed those back yet.”
“It’s okay, I think I can do it.”
“Gotcha. Okay, dude. I’ll catch you later.”
We slap hands goodbye and I watch as he walks away, slinging his carryall over his shoulder and poising to throw away the garbage in one graceful motion. Is shirt shines brilliantly white where discarded sunshine touches it through the skylights. Striding towards the double doors, I notice a slight tilt in his walk, reminiscent of his gangster days.
“Hasta luego,” I call.
“Okay, hasta luego.”
And he is gone.
I could go do some homework, or even start on my essay, but both options do not appeal to me right now. So I pull on my sweater and pack up my books to go for a walk around campus. The massive brick structures rise up around me like great and imposing advocates to the American way.

Para que me conozcan mas a fondo...
Sergio Alfredo Castaneda Mungia
1. Lugar De Nacimiento: Colima Mexico, Playa El Paraiso
2. Sobrenombre: Checko, Papi Chulo, Niño Bionico, Bebe, Chicharron, Manzana Man
3. Nombre De Papas? Roberto Castañeda y Maria Del Rosario Munguia
4. Cuantas Velas En El Ultimo Cumpleaños? 25
5. Animal Favorito: Tortugas
6. Tatuajes? 5 y contando
7. Te Gusta Tu Trabajo? Si pero se me esta llendo el gusto.
8.Donde Vives? Pasadena Calfiornia (Ah Un Ladito De Los Angeles)
9. Lugar Para Vacacionar? Depende Si Quiero Invierno Oh Verano
10. Lugar mas interesante que has visitado? Mexico Distrito Federal (El Desierto De Los Leones)
11. Has Robado Señas De Trafico? No
12. Has Tenido Un Accidente? Si
13. Bistec oh Carne Asada? Carne Asada
14. Carro de dos oh cuatro puertas? 4..para cargar mas gente
15. Cafe oh Chocolate? Cafe con crema de hazelnut
16. Crema Para ensalada? Ranch
17. Golocinas? Reezes Pieces
18. Numero Favoritor? 13
19. Pelicula Favorita?  Amorres Perros, El Hijo De Lamberto Quintero
20. Calor Favorito? Azul
21. Holyday favorito? Navidad
22. Comida Favorita? Tacos De Chicharron Y de asada (con guacamolito, please!)
23. Dia favorito de la semana? Viernes
24. Programas De tv favoritos: Sopranos, Road Rules, The Real World, Real World/Road Rules challenge.
25. Ultimo Libro Que Leiste? Being Latino In Christ, The DeVinci Code(lo estoy leyendo)
26. Colonia: Gucci: Envy, Curve, Liz Clairborne: For Men, Aqua Di Gio
27 . Ultima visita al hospital? Nunca...
28. Cuantas Veces tomaste el examen de manejo? una
29. Donde Te vez en 10 años?  En Washington con familia, con trabajo viviendo la vida a lo maximo
30. Que ases cuando te aburres? nada...por eso me aburro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31. Que estudias? Sicologia
32. Vives en casa oh apartamento? Casa
33. Cuanto ase que vez a tu familia? mas de un año
34. Ultimas vacaciones? Spokane Washington
35. Siguientes vacaciones? Pasco Washington
36. Ultimo Concierto? Ochestra Carrusel (Te acuerdas Lunita?)
37. Si tuvieses un millon de dollares, que harias? Le daria la mitad a mis padres, y con lo demas terminaria la universidad sin tener que trabajar, y se me econtrara el amor de mi vida tal vez me casara, por supuesto si ella aseptara. Pero quien sabe cuando llegara esa paloma.
Just getting ready to go into stats. I'm in the science learning lab right now checking email and putting a post on this thing. Catch ya'll later.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Man this philosphy stuff is kicking my butt. So much work to do for every class meeting. I'm trying to finish most of it tonight.
Not much else going on righ now just doing homework. I was nice to see Kiki today, she came over to have dinner with us. I made tomato soup and grillied cheese and I also wanted to do something greenish with it. So, went and got some ground beef and bell peppers. I cooked the beef with onions and blackpepper and a little curry powder. Then I stuffed the beef into the bell peppers and put them in the oven. And thats what we had for dinner.
Nice cozy afternoon. At home listening to 'Juanes: Un Dia Normal' while cooking for the household and thinking about my friend the moon. Hoping she is doing alright.

Hoy es un dia acogedor. Estoy en casa escuchando 'Juanes: Un Dia Normal' y cocinando para mis compañeros de vivienda. Pensando en mi amiga la luna y esperando que se encuentre bien.
(sepan que no escribo bien el español, okay)
Mekxicanada! bueno mensadas que estoy pensando.

Ayer, me dio cosa, cuando estaba los backstreet boys en 'Otro Rollo', que estaba pensando el Adal al tener ah esos culeys en su show? Bueno pero de todos modos estaba con sus mamadas, que es lo que divierte mas.

Esta semana tengo que ir a usar el dark room. Estoy atrazado en entregar la ultima tarea que nos dio el Mimms. Apenas ayer me termine el rollo y tengo que revelar y enlarge antes del miercoles.

Esta semana quiero mirar la pelicula de Shrek en expañol, me estaba contando la Ana que ase mas chiste si la vez en Espanish. Habalando de la Ana, hijinia cuando vamos ir a hecharonos el cafe pa' que me hagas la entrevista?

Se acaban de ir mis compañeros de vivienda y llego la Rebe a cotorriar un rato estamos mirando el MTV. Se esta echando una sopita pollo. Bueno ora si al rato les escribo mas. Se bañan.

"In a minute" is a friend of mines way of saying I'll catch up with you later. I just heard another friend say it this morning. It sure is early for me to be up around this hour. The church I go to holds its services at 10am so I usually get up around 9am since its only like 5 minutes walking distance from my house. One of the things I do wish is that I can live near walking distance from the church I attend. Where ever I end up living as property owner. It would be a sweet thing. I'm getting ready to go have coffee with a friend right now. Thats the reason why I'm up right now.
I'm looking forward to what God has this week. On monday, I'm having Bible Study with the youngn's after they come back from soccer practice. That time is something I look forward to. They are doing well so far. Teaching them to be humle.
Rigo had his birthday party yesterday and took pictures for him but the only thing is the pictures I took at night may have not come out so well. Will see tomorrow. I got him a Brazil soccer shirt for his birthday. I took Chris and went to drop off Chuy at his grandma's house in Azusa on saturday morning on the way back we stopped at a Marshalls to get the shirt. Then I spent all afternoon doing my homework until it was time to go to the party. After coming back from the party I watched 'Cold Mountain with the Danes. Dang! I need to go. More later.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Oye! tratare de traducir lo que pongo en Ingles para que lo puedas leer. Te parece?

Friday, October 22, 2004

Having a sleep over with the boys (Rigo, Chirs, Ferni and Chuy) we are watching 'Welcome To Mooseport' (its rated PG). I challenged them to wait until they turn 13 to watch PG-13 rated movies.
So for now its only PG rated movies, we are indulging ourselves with oreo's and milk. Good times, good times..
Just thinking a lot about finshing my up coming accomplishement in school and what it means at this stage in my life.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Sitting home trying to finish my homework for tomorrows class. One more paper to write before I hit the sheets. Good times.
Every time I hear Latinos says this it makes me laugh:

"Ave Maria Purisima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

My friend is having a baby and she just found out its a girl. Sarah here are my suggetions.
Sergio's top 7 favorite names for girls:

Apple: Just Messing Around

This are the children I tutor

Please pray for them. Ajah, Cheyenne, Ana, Mariana, Marlene, Tonya, Gustabo, Jacob, Joey, BB, Omar, Bryce, Chavita and Miguel. Pray for the tall white dude on the right too, his name is Erik.

This is what I got from JC while thinking about them.
Psalm 91 :: The Message

You who sit down in the High God's presence, spend the night in Shaddai's shadow,
Say this: "GOD, you're my refuge.
I trust in you and I'm safe!"
That's right--he rescues you from hidden traps,
shields you from deadly hazards.
His huge outstretched arms protect you--
under them you're perfectly safe;
his arms fend off all harm.
Fear nothing--not wild wolves in the night,
not flying arrows in the day,
Not disease that prowls through the darkness,
not disaster that erupts at high noon.
Even though others succumb all around,
drop like flies right and left,
no harm will even graze you.
You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,
watch the wicked turn into corpses.
Yes, because GOD's your refuge,
the High God your very own home,
Evil can't get close to you,
harm can't get through the door.
He ordered his angels
to guard you wherever you go.
If you stumble, they'll catch you;
their job is to keep you from falling.
You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,
and kick young lions and serpents from the path.

"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says GOD,
"I'll get you out of any trouble.
I'll give you the best of care
if you'll only get to know and trust me.Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times;
I'll rescue you, then throw you a party.
I'll give you a long life,
give you a long drink of salvation!"....

Pray that for them. They need to understand and have faith God is their refuge.
Well I'm back across the street from PCC. The test went rather well (happy face here) . One more togo though.

Peace in
Its true you should never stay up late the day before midterms because you will feel like crap the next day. On top of all the mess you are prolly dealing with. Man I can't stay awake. I stayed up until 1am last night reviewing for my midterms today. And now not even a carmel machiatto (easy on the carmel) will help me stay awake. I could just get some coffee but then my stomach will be hurting and thats worse. I will try my best to do good on these tests. This is my last semester here and I can't be taking it easy when it comes to studying. Well, there will be an update later on today about how the day went so keep a look out for it. But before I go let me share, I went up to Red Apple market last night to fill our 5 gallon jug of water. Because my roomates think its not safe to drink water from the faucet. So, n e way. I was at the market which is right up Fair Oaks Ave not too far past Woodberry (spll?) and I noticed they have a taco bender outside the market. This man makes good tacos by the way. This are al pastor tacos. Where they put the meat on a rotating stick and it cook it slowly as it rotates. Good stuff. I got three and as I was eating I noticed and felt bad for an African American lady that was sitting there looking cold. The man gave her a taco. She seemed to be homeless. I felt bad for her. No one should have to be out in the rainy and cold night like that.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I'll be down at Cal State LA. Its finally here, the day has arrived. Will see if I get accepted or not, God willing and if He is not willing then they won't.

Well its noon and I just got back from Cal State LA. The process didn't go so smooth because of my running around but regardless I got the job done and now its a matter of waiting. The quarter I filed for is the Spring quarter which starts in March. I'll have a nice break in between. I think i'm gonne have to get a job on the side to finish paying my credit card. Anyone have any work for this brother? I'm a good cook, I clean, am a good story teller and I can whip up a bible study at the flip of a coin. Any takers?

Man I have to say it. I'm eating some enchiladas Beatriz brought me yesterday and they are good. They remind me of the enchiladas my aunt Chita cooks down in Michoacan. My aunt has a little post outside her house where she sells taquitos, morizqueta and enchiladas. The enchiladas are the ones that sell the most. Man, I loved going to Michoacan to visit her. Everynight she would feed me until full. And then my and my cousin Carlos watch the smurfs in spanish . Well let me get back to las enchiladas. Peace in.

Monday, October 18, 2004

I just seen how badly written that last post was. Oh well. I'm guessing its okay. Doesn't anyone ever ask themselves what they are doing in all the different areas. One time a friend of mine told me not to be philosphying about life so much or else I was going to be lost in confusion my whole life. Admitting to myself that I do think about life a lot feels good. I mean what else do I do beside just think about life. I'm for sure living it to the best of my ability or so I think. And I wonder why God has me here at this particular place at this particular season in my life. When I wish I could be picking up homeless in Mexico City and helping them get into shelters. Or letting kids in the orphanage in Oaxaca teach me. Maybe backpacking through Costa Rica. I wonder if I'm ever going to be able to do that. Why did I end up here an illegal alien at the mercy of others. What holds me here? I try to understand and figure out but I can't at times I tend to let the ghosts in my head tell me things that are not true. And I keep going because I can't pause this life.
Pasadena is being cleanesed today, she must be good and peaceful. I just got back from school an got done eating a chilly cor carne burrito and some left over mashed potatoes from Chris's cooking wich was pretty good. We had a mock exam today for stats which was okay a few concepts I need to work on. And I have three assignments do this coming wednesday and two midterms for stats and photo.
Other news I have bible study today as well as soem baby sitting. One of the mothers on the community is going to see her sister who is in jail for killing a man that tried to rape her. She asked to baby sit so she could go visit her sister. From what she said her sister just recently became very ill but they won't release her from prison eventhough she is dying. So, she is dropping the kids later on.
In a few I'm headed to do tutoring, and then after that do the bible study with my boys. I'm looking foward to it. We always have good studies. These boys are very open minded and non reserved when it comes to sharing except for when it comes time to pray a couple of them get a little shy. Well Its about that time for me to head out. I guess I'll catch ya'll later. Peace in.

Here is quote for those of you interested in photo. This is from a portrait photographer who just passed away. "My portraits are more about me than they are about people I photograph" Richard AveDon

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sitting at home reading for my photography class, drinking some coffee and eating unas delicious Fudge Shoppe: Fudge stripes. These cookies are good expecially with coffee. I remember being younger and living with my sister at home with our parents. These were her favortie cookies and she would buy and hide them so I couldn't get to them. Regardless of her cleaverness I would always get to the cookies.
This is my sister. Her name is Mimi and I love her dearly. She practically raised me and taught me a lot. Most of the pictures I have as a child she is either holding my hand or holding me. Except for one where my dad is trying to get me to look at the camara and she is standing next to him holding on to my dads leg.
Mimi te quiero mucho mucho mucho.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Its true I'm out of ibucks but I got these kewl songs check it:

'Duele El Amor'--Aleks Syntek & Ana Torroja
'Lento'--Julieta Venegas
'Hate to Say I Told You So'--The Hives
'Take Me Out'--Franz Ferdinand
'Frontin' On Debra' (DJ Reset Mash-Up)--Beck, Jay-Z & Pharrell Williams
'Beautiful'--Pharrell, Snoop Dogg & Uncle Charlie Wilson
'Love Song'--311
'Fiesta Caliente'--Ilegales Ilegales
'Soy un Desastre'--Timbiriche
'What's Up?'--4 Non Blondes
'Teenage Dope Fiend'--Flickerstick (freebie)
'I'd Rather Dance With You'--Kings of Convenience
'Float On'--Modest Mouse
'Electrical Storm' (William Orbit mix)--U2

I read this any one out there willing to try someting?

Steps Of Faith:
-Give a little
-Ask a Question: maybe you might have a friend you want to ask about deep stuff
-Pray for a friend
-Light a light
-Throw away a stone
-Look a the cross
-Listen in to Jesus's parables
-Get with creation
-Visit a church
-Follow a prayer recipi
-Read a Gospel
-Don't worry
-Make a "why God list"
-Join a local church course
-Pray for an enemy
-Give to the homeless
-Give up something that matters: tv, coffee, favorite jacket
-Forgive someone
-Begin a new life with God.

What do we do when we want to get stronger in a certain area or even better. We exercise that certain area. Try it, who knows it might bring some relief to yourself. Growing up, I had experiences that shaped me into what I am today. One of the experiences that stand out in my life is beeing in the tenderloin in San Franciso. I spend a week hanging out with homeless humans. I would go out at night and serve hot chocolate to them. I remember on a night me and two other friends headed out together. We met a man who was sitting on a side walk on one of the heavy foot traffic streets in the tenderloin. He had a sign in front of him that said help need money for food. We were talking to him for quite a while. People kept on passing by without anyone putting a coin in his ripped coffee cup. We started asking people for him. I think in like three hours we got maybe $20 bucks. A lady that passed by said I won't give him any money because he will use it on drugs. We promised her that we would personally take him to dinner if she gave. She gave us like $10 which was nice. After a while we went to a fastfood restaurant down the street. We sat and had dinner with him, later some of his friends showed up so we bought them dinner too. He was telling me about how he ended up homeless. All these experiences left a strong impact in my life. Also, sharing my life with the people I attended school with up at Jubilee, hering all my peers stories. Its been strong.
Life is hard no doubt about it. We can serve a million people, we can continue to argue about religion for a life time, we can have all the money, be respected by many, admire by many, rund the biggest organization or company have a huge home, a good salary, but at the end non of it really matters. What matters is your relationship with God. The condition of your heart. Man I guess we never know how serious death until it strikes near you.
I was having a get together to celebrate my birthday but I called it off. A friend of mine had a sister pass away and I couldn't bare having a party while she mourns. I felt peace in my spirit about calling the event off. I'm sorry if I let anyone down.
This is my friend Esther with friends she is in the front. She is also going to college which makes it even harder to handle. Please say a prayer for her.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I took a famous leader matching test and It matched me up with this guy, I don't know about the emaciated part but I could agree with it. You should try it your self and find out who your famous leader match is.

Bad News: My digital camara broke and I'm sad about it. It slipped out of my hands while handing it to somebody. What happaned was that is was on so the lens was out and when it hit the ground it hit on the lens part and it bent and broke. I hope Cheryl will not be upset about that. I checked to see how much the cost and brand new when she purchased it it was around $500 bucks. Now they run for like $300 still out of my price range. I'll just save and get me a new one exactly like this one. I'm sorry Cheryl.

Good News: God willing I'll be an Associate of Arts in the spring of this coming year. I already put in my petition with the college. Now I just have to wait and finish my classes this semester and I'll be done. It feels good. It might not sound like much to a lot of people but you are talking about someone who is undocumented and can't afford to go to school. It feels more than good to me.
Last Play List I made on Itunes, Anyone wanna share music?
Change Your Mind __________The Killers
Chop Suey_________________System Of A Down
Drown ____________________Smashing Pumpkins
I Want You_________________Third Eye Blind Third Eye
London Calling_______________The Clash
Mama, I'm Coming Home________Ozzy Osbourne
Midnight Show________________The Killers
Narcolepsy_________________Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind
On Top _______________________The Killers
People of the Sun____________Rage Against The Machine
Should I Stay Or Should I Go______The Clash
Somebody Told Me_____________The Killers
Thanks A Lot _______________Third Eye Blind
The Call Up________________The Clash
Time After Time_____________Ozzy Osbourne
Tonight, Tonight ____________Smashing Pumpkins
Toxicity ____________________System Of A Down
Train In Vain ________________The Clash
Trying Your Luck __________The Strokes
William, It Was Really Nothing _____The Smiths

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I just bought some songs from itunes music store. A friend of mine gave me a $15 card, thanks.

This is what I got so far:
'Vertigo' The new U2 single of course (It sounds generic but I like it).
'Duele El Amor' by Aleks Syntek & Ana Torroja
'Lento' by Juliete Venegas
'Hate To Say I Told You so' by The Hives

4 down 11 to go. Rock on! Itunes rule
Waiting for dinner to be ready and watching the presidential debates with Rudy and Erik.
I got to hold baby Micah today which was awesome.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I don't feel too good today. My stomach hurts and allergies kicked in. But I always manage no matter what.
I slept in this morning which was wonderful, I can't remember the last time I was able to do so. Sleeping is good. My firend Martha said her doctor told her it is good to sleep because thats how the body stays young.
I spent sometime with a friend this morning, good times good times. I felt like we reconnected, lately it has been very hectic for the both of us. It helps to have friends around who truly care for you like my friend Ramiro says. Friend who put you before them and are looking out for your best interest. Its a cool thing.

Well, I sent the evite this morning. For thouse of you who got it. I hope you can make it.

This is an encoragement for my friend who is far far away in Michigan finishing a degree in web design. This is one of my good pals Martha. She knows I like turtles and she took this picture especially for me in NYC. Thank you. She also just got engaged last May and had to leave her fiance in Cali. I will be praying for your time in Michigan and for you and David to be well. Love you bunches and see you soon. Expect a package in the mail.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Super excited. I talked to a couple ladies today from the community and they are helping me make tamales this coming saturday in the morning. We are making them from scratch so finally I will be a true Messican. Anyone interested in coming over and helping?
I don't think I've ever seen the kids complain more than during tap dance. I thought our tap teacher was going to lose it today. The kids were paying her no attention whatsoever. She asked me how I managed them.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Man, I totally forgot my brothers birthday and I felt terrible about it. His birthday is two days before mine. He was born on October 5 and I was born on the 8th. So here it goes.

Luis Enrique (quique), te mando saludos y quiero decirte que te quiero un shingo y te extraño. Espero que te la haigas pasado bien en tu birthday. Espero pasar la navidad contigo. Dios te bendiga y hasta pronto.

Tu hermanito El Niño Bionico

Saturday, October 09, 2004

"Every person is Christ for me, and since there is only one Jesus, that person is the one person in the world at that moment."
Mother Teresa (1910-97)

What can we learn from this quote?
tAmaLes, SaLsA and ChAmpUrrAdo wHat!!!WhAt!!!!!!!!! More info soon.
THE GLOBAL CITIZEN: a journal for young adults engaging the world through service

This morning in the process of cleaning my home and wildly singing to U2's "Pride" I got a call from Aaron Ausland editor for The Global Citizen magazine. The magazine editorial committee want me to submit an article they can print in the next publication. I talked to him for a while about what I'm doing here and my plans to be up in Washinton coming up this December. The committee is interested in hearing about my upbringing and what shaped me to live a life of service. I thought about just telling them about Cheryl Broetje.
Aaron is going to be shooting me an email about the piece. Good stuff man good stuff, I never thought of myself as a global citizen.

On other news. Here is the word for December. I will be going to Washington in December, i'm sad I won't be able to take any kiddies with me. My mothers words were, 'everytime you bring friends with you we(mom and dad) don't have your attention. So, I decided to honor her and not bring any kiddies with me so instead i'm going to take the five kiddies camping sometime in late November for a weekend up in San Luis Obispo.

Well, gotta finish cleaning the hosue. More later.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Hung out with some of my boys today. I took them to Pasadena's In-n-Out which was golden. Here are some pictures.

I wonder how long this in and out has been here. Its one of the oldest ones I've heard.

One of my favorite things to do is to catch people as they are taking a bite.

Let me tell you hanging out with the boys its a must that we do something out of the ordinary especially if you are hanging out with junior high boys who don't care about looking kewl. This is Chris.

Rigo feeling challenged decided to go for it.

And of course Ferni had to respond to the challenge.

I of course felt obliged to respond and excel in the challenge. The boys were pretty impressed when, after sticking the fry up my nose I proceeded to eat it. They were like "Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!Serg."

These next pictures are from last saturday. For Rigo's birthday Maggie and Chabela wanted to help me cook burgers for the boys. It was blessed to hang out with these two little girls but I wish God would send a Christian girl who felt called to spend time and teach, deciple girls like Maggie and Chabela not that I don't mind doing it but I think it would be good for a Christian woman to be part of their upbringing.

Chabela had fun slicing tomatoes and helping me on the grill.

Maggie is awsome and has big heart. She loves her brothers very much and is willing to respond to need at anytime.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve these kids. I enjoy it very much. Tomorrow thier family is having a party to celebrate Chabelas birthday. Her birthday was actually last weekend but are celebrating it tomorrow. Orale carne asada and sopa de arroz I'm there baby.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Happy Birthday Joel, Luv ya' man!
Man, second time this class is canceled oh well. The sad thing about it is that I still had to get up at 5:45am. Which I had rather stayed in bed and slept some more. Now i'm home emailing my professors making sure I'm up to date on everything.
Well I should get going on things here. Peace in.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Good timing Montoya. Thanks! A friend of mine sent this to me and it was good to read it. You might like reading it yourself.

1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove;
He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.

2.God won't ask the square footage of your house,
He'll ask how  many people you welcomed into your home.

3. God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4.God won't ask what your highest salary was,
He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5.God won't ask what your job title was,
He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6.God won't ask how many friends you had,
He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,
He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.

8.God won't ask about the color of your skin,
He'll ask about the content of your character.

9.God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation, He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.

It seems during times when I want to speak out the most are times when God wants me to keep silent and listen.
I'm listening.

"You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by. "
Job 11:16

Thank you Father that over time you have filled me up with hope.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Ya que estamos hablando de canciones y de padres le quiero ofrecer esta a todos aquellos que entienden este lenguaje. Y por que es un recuerdo de mi padre que tengo muy grabado en el alma. Mi padre siempre a sido un hombre fuerte y de pocas palabras. Pero cuando se le mete un sentimiento se le mete. Y yo se que el problablemente no va a leer este en su tiempo. Pero quiero gritar la influencia que el ha tenido en mi vida y todo el amor que le tengo a mi viejon de oro. Papa te amo con toda el alma. Recuerdo las canciones del gran Jose Alfredo Jimenez como aquella que se llama 'La Mano De Dios' Papa yo se que pronto te voy a ver pero mientras te quiero brindar una lagrima con esta cancion, por que con esta cancion tu le cantabas a mi madre y abrazabas sus caderas al entregarle un beso mientras ella lavaba los trastes. Te quiero papito y te extraño a morir. Mil gracias por ser tan humilde y enseñarme a ser igual. Gracias por tu sonrisa pizcaresca, gracias que nunca me diste de golpes pero me hablaste firmemente, gracias por llevarme a trabajar contigo, gracias por las veses que te sentastes conmigo y me contastes historias, gracias por siempre tener tu brazos habiertos, estoy completamente orgullozo de ser tu hijo y gritar que Don Roberto Castañeda es mi padre cabrones!
Cuando tus pasos se cansen espero estar a tu lado y cuidarlos, a Dios le pido que mis hijos te conozcan y sepan que tan grande es mi padre, esta es para ti papa, te amo.


solamente la mano de Dios
podra separarnos
nuestro amor es mas grande
que todas las cosas del mundo.

Yo se bien que nacimos los dos
para siempre adorarnos
nuestro amor es lo mismo
que el mar cristalino y profundo.

solamente la mano de Dios
podra castigarnos
las de mas opiniones , mi cielo
me salen sobrando

yo sere para ti nadamas
te lo digo llorando
cuando tu me trajiste tu amor
ya te estaba esperando.

nadie sabe ni puede decir
las cosas de amores
porque todos se entregan borrachos
de amor en el mundo.

es por eso que quiero gritar
sin matar iluciones
que mi amor es lo mismo
que el mar cristalino y profundo

tu no puedes dejarme de amar
ni yo de adorarte
porque estamos unidos de alma
quien sabe hasta cuando.

solamente la mano de Dios
podra separarnos
cuando tu me trajiste tu amor
ya te estaba esperando.

Por: Jose Alfredo Jimenez

I think I wanna see Rocio Durcal in concert. Its not usual for a vato loco like me to like a singer like Rocio Durcal. But the reason I think is that when I was younger I used to listen to my mom sing Rocio Durcal songs while she cleaned the house. Good times.
This is a picture from a Rocio Durcal concert. I have the cd from that concert and it is awsome.

This is my favorite song from that album

yo quiero luz de luna
para mi noche triste
para cantar divina
la ilusion que me trajiste.

para sentirte mia
mia tu como ninguna
pues desde que te fuiste
no he tenido luz de luna.

yo siento tus amarras
garfios como garras
que me a hogan el la playa
de la farra y el dolor.

y siento tus cadenas que arrastras
en la noche callada
que sea pleniluminada
azul como ninguna
pues desde que te fuiste
no he tenido luz de luna.

si llano vuelves nunca
provincianita mia
a mi selva querida
que esta triste y esta fria

que almenos tu recuerdo
ponga luz sobre mi bruma
pues desde que te fuiste
no he tenido luz de luna.

I skipped out on a wonderful lecture on anthropology today. Oh well I promise to be there next time. Now i'm home doing homework. If God ever blesses me with any children, i'm going to try my best to make sure they don't work during their college years. I think its the best thing. It is hard.

Do you fear God?
Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, and may you live to see your children's children. Solomon

Monday, October 04, 2004

I'm trying to hold on real hard
to something that I cannot see
something that at times I don't even know its there
And I don't even know why i'm trying to hold on
Don't know if at the end the story is really going to be true
I don't want to take my life in vain
But I wonder at times who i'm living it for
With fear
If I don't do right I'm fucked
And this wonderful disney dream can crush all in one instant
I've seen it before
I've seen a man gain and lose with one mistake
Can I really live like that?
I don't know
Bono says that he can't wait to see what He sees
I wonder if He is talking about God
Why wouldn't you Father make things more simple
You want a relationship but at times its so hard to take a hold
To feel you
In those times when I feel more outside than ever
Lonely without any shoulder to cry on
With out someone to hold me
And its hard, a stranger in a strange land
What is it about this
I'm I the only one who is missing something
Did I miss some informational talk the explanation for all this
And everything has a way in which to feel
I remember the first day of school at Jubilee, the first step towards living a "Christian life"
No one told me it was okay to mess up
I knew sin was bad but thats all I had
smoking bad, beer bad, catholicism bad, La Virgen Maria bad, who were these european preachers telling me this lie that Christ was only for the white
Quite a journey this has been full of ups and downs
And I wonder how long more i will go changing my theology
'Staring at the sun' is whats been giving me hope lately
I know I'm not the only one and I know someday I will get there
"Talking out your neck sayin' you're a Christian
A Muslim sleeping with the gin
Now that was the sin that did Jezebel in
Who you gon' tell when the repercussions spin
Showing off your ass 'cause you're thinking it's a trend
Girlfriend, let me break it down for you again
You know I only say it 'cause I'm truly genuine
Don't be a hardrock when you're really a gem
Babygirl, respect is just a minimum" Lauryn Hill-Doo Wop

I love the way Lauryin puts it down.
"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 4:14

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Gracias a Dios que no se le olvido nada
Gracias por mi mente
Mente fuerte para poder superar un futuro desconocido
Gracias a Dios que me dio mi hojos
Hojos que duelen al mirar la realidad de un mundo olvidado
Gracias a Dios que me dio mi boca
Una boca que le grita a la injusticia
Gracias A Dios que me dio mis manos
Manos debiles pero utiles
Gracias a Dios que me dio mis piernas
Piernas para recorrer le mundo
Gracias a Dios que me dio mi corazon
Corazon fuerte pero tierno
Gracias a Dios que me habrio el camino
Gracias a Dios que cuando llego a final de un camino simepre habre otro
Gracias a Dios que me dio amor que dia tras dia me hayuda a seguir luchando
Gracias a DIos que me dio a una madre tan pura y sincera a la cual amo y extraño
Gracias a DIos que me dio a un padre fuerte y duro que tan cual fuerte este la guerra siempre va al frente
Gracias a Dios por casi 25 años de vida llena de aventura
Gracias a Dios
Today something good was in the air, I went to church and I felt more at ease than past sundays, reason being is because we started meeting in a home instead of at the center. I guess I didn't like the idea of going to congregate at the same place where I work. We had a good meeting time, very enjoyable and holy. Plus having hot dogs and home made donuts doesn't hurt you know.
After all that I came home and rested but truly rested without any worries. Wait, before that I made Marcos some breakfast, always glad to serve. After that I truly rested I talked to my mother whom was glad to hear from me although she wasn't too excited for me to be taking kids up there with me during Christmas. Her take on it was that they, my family, are not going to be able to spend a lot of time with me. Which made me think about one of the ten commandments. Honor your father and mother. Maybe I should reconsider the whole idea of taking kids up there with me.

Now I'm home working on some homework, waiting for dinner to be ready. Trying to put all my Philo notes together so I can study them through out the week. This coming friday I have an exam for that class which i'm looking forward to. Always thinking positive, every time I take one exam I know that I'll be one step closer to completion.

Well thats all for know. I pray all are well and I want to leave you with the following for the coming week.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
.....whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Amen

Friday, October 01, 2004

I really don't feel like blogging anything but I want to before I go to bed and rest. Today was good, went to my critical thinking class which was great. My teacher is a very interesting character. We found out that he was on jepordy (spll?) back in '99. He won 50K and tow camaros. I tried convincing him to give me one but I wasn't succesful oh well.

We had a staff meeting today. I don't like those. I was thinking that we've haven't had a staff retreat. Where we actually go somewhere and rest. And I was thinking that I'm the only one out of our staff that hasn't taking a break to refill, maybe thats the reason I get stressed out sometimes when I'm tutoring the kids. It feel more like a job than an actual ministry. Anyway, we had our staff meeting today, I don't like staff meetings, I feel like I get nothing out of them which is true most of the time. A friend of mine who has been doing ministry for some time now told me about a year and a half ago not to get stuck in those type of meetings. I'm trying to recall the reasons why he told me that. I think I need to ask him.

This was what kept me in the meeting..Baby Wu.

I have to admit God always makes me feel good when I"m feeling down. Here are some reasons.

Danny was sure enjoying his ice cream. I haven't seen anyone savor something so much.

Three of my boys. I tutor them as well as all the others sitting behind them.

Good friends are hard to find. Hang on to yours.

The boys getting their snack on.

This is Chabela, I took her and siblings to watch 'A Shark Tale' she enjoyed it very much.

This is Diana, she is very sweet and humble. She reminds me of another Diana I know that is more awesome than a possum. :)

Some of the moms made me feel special today. One of them brought me dinner at the center, she made me a plate of taquitos. And another, Lupe's mom asked me if I liked enchiladas. I was like yeah, she said I heard that it was your bday coming up. She said if I have time i'm going to make you some. It made me want to cry.

Thank you God.